Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What's Happening at the Center!

We are planning our annual general membership picnic -- free to members!! We'll have live entertainment, cooking by the American legion, and ice cream sundaes from Heartland of Ann Arbor. If you are a member, come on in and signup!!


  1. SASC…The Place To Be....
    Are you artistic? We are having a contest to pick a logo for the Senior Center. We already use “SASC the place to be”…can you design a logo for us? Winner will be picked by the SASC board members and staff. Anyone can enter -- DEADLINE: AUGUST 31.


    We are participating in a contest (sponsored by the MASC – Michigan Association of Senior Centers) starting June 1, 2011 ending August 15, 2011 to highlight our remarkable seniors! There are two categories:
    1) 60 Second video – a 60 second or less video clip portraying a senior age 60 or older doing something outside of the typical stereotype of a “senior citizen.”
    2) Picture with Essay – a picture of a senior age 60 or older doing something outside of the realm of the typical stereotype of a “senior citizen” accompanied by a 250 word or less essay that describes the photo.
    Example include: 76 year old skydiver, 65 year old learning a new skill, etc., the sky
    is the limit! Entries will be judged by senior center staff and we will submit 2 of each type of entry to MASC. Between October 1 and October 28, 2011, anyone can vote for a winner via Facebook, by “LIKE” ing the MASC Facebook page and leaving a comment under the entry of choice to vote for their favorite. One winner per category will win $100 for themselves, and $1,000 for their senior center. This is a fun way to support our center and show off your many talents! DEADLINE: AUGUST 15.
